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- 3 tomaten, in blokjes gesneden
- 1 courgette, in blokjes gesneden
- 1 eetlepel appelciderazijn
- 1 tl olijfolie
- 1 snufje himalaya zout
- 1 el italiaanse kruiden (oregano, tijm, basilicum,...)
Meng deze ingrediënten in een kom, en verdeel de inhoud over een ovenschaal. Maak vervolgens de rumble;
- 2 cups Havermout
- 1/2 cup biergistvlokken
- 1 eetlepel italiaanse kruiden
- 1 tl himalaya zout
- 3 eetlepels kokosolie
Masseer deze ingrediënten door elkaar tot je een crumble consistentie krijgt. Verdeel de crumble over de groentjes, en zet 20 à 35 minuutjes in de oven op 180°C. Genieten!

- Zero Waste, Plant Based, Self Love -

Hi there, I'm An-Sofie!
My friends and family know me for my kindness and gentleness in being, and how I seem to always create a safe space in which (especially highly sensitive souls) feel incredibly safe, seen and heard. I am also quite stubborn, and will not stop my search until I find answers and/or solutions to the problem at hand.
My journey began as a child being highly sensitive and hypervigilant as a trauma response. Deepening myself in books, podcasts, accreditation programs, and just by observation and working in aviation for
13 years: I started to notice what worked and what didn’t.
I noticed how many people struggle with feeling fully safe, seen, heard and acknowledged for who they truly are. But once you create that safe space of non-judgement (based on NVC, a technique by Marshall Roosenberg) people start opening up, and the most beautiful realisation was:
in our core essence, we are pure LOVE.
As the saying goes: ‘hurt people hurt people’, I have seen the opposite to be even more true: ‘Healed people heal people’… just by who they are.
I love working with highly sensitive souls who feel that their mission is to bring a positive impact into this world, but sometimes feel overwhelmed by the world as it is now. I am here to offer that Safe Space, in which you can re-discover you Authentic Power, and contribute to that kinder and more sustainable world, just by who you ARE. Not by ‘DOING’ more, but by BEING your most Authentic Self.
Curious about how to find this level of freedom and empowerment for yourself?

I’ll teach you how to live your holy f*ck dream life. Time to fall in love with yourself and your life!
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